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The U.S. and China's Need for Investment in Solar Power

The U.S. and China's Need for Investments in Solar Power

In the very near future, energy will have to be gleaned from renewable and sustainable sources. Fossils fuels are not going to be around forever and the global need for stable energy is evident. The two largest producers of greenhouse gasses in the world (due mainly to industry) realise this, and the United States of America and China are eagerly searching for further investments in solar power.

According to the website WRI Insights, the United States and China will both have to overcome the challenges within their individual countries, and the challenges they face in working together, if they are to be successful on the road to developing sufficient clean energy.

As China has shown a fast rate in development of renewable energy, a few other problems have popped up in the industry (current electric grids cannot necessarily handle the influx of renewable energy). In the States, on the other hand, they are working around renewable energy policies that have stifled development so far.

But, as reported by WRI Insights, the two countries seemed to have come to a gentleman's agreement, despite their tense trading history. A recent statement by the two world heavy-weights claims that they aim to inspire the world through leading by example - together.

Both these governments have been facing scrutiny from their citizens for their impact on environmental areas due to industry. It now seems like the rest of the world is counting on them to lead the way into the new era of renewable energy, too. This will only increase the United States of America and China's need for investments in solar power. For more information and advice on investments in solar power, feel free to contact the market experts at Compare The Financial Markets.

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