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Risk warnings and important information
None of the content above should be considered to constitute investment advice. Individuals’ objectives and circumstances vary and as such appropriate investments for one may not be appropriate investments for all.
Past Performance is a poor indicator and certainly no guarantee of future performance.
Investments can fall as well as rise, and may fall considerably.
The value of investments is not guaranteed and you may not receive back the full amount invested.
The tax treatment of investments such as these, including the initial tax relief available, are dependent on the investment vehicle successfully maintaining qualifying status throughout its life.
Many tax advantaged investments are high risk investments and we strongly recommend investors do not consider investing on the basis of this information alone or investing without obtaining financial advice from an appropriate source.
Investments in small companies are speculative and the promise of higher potential returns comes with a commensurately higher risk of capital losses.
*Definition of a failed investment is the loss of 50% or more of the original investment.
All statements concerning the tax treatment of products and their benefits are based on our understanding of current tax law and HM Revenue and Customs’ practice. Levels and bases of tax relief are subject to change.

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Three Smart Investment Tips for International Investors

Three Smart Investment Tips for International Investors

Because today many financial markets have gone global, international investors can invest in foreign markets almost as easily as they can in local markets. Nevertheless, international investment has its challenges, which is why CTFM offers the following investment tips for international investors.

1.     Consider the socio-economic and socio-political factors

Unlike local investors, international investors cannot afford to invest in countries that are politically or economically vulnerable. You can research the locations of your future investments on your own, but for best results you usually need expert advice, especially if you’re contemplating making massive investments in a specific area or region. Ideally, you will want a native expert.

2.     Invest in multiple asset classes

Focusing exclusively on only one asset class may bring you quicker returns, but it exposes you to more risks. Investing in multiple asset classes, on the other hand, ensures that the diversity of your portfolio will sustain your investments even when one or two of your asset classes perform poorly on the international markets. All successful international investors have diversified portfolios.

3.     Use the Internet and smartphone technologies to monitor your investments

Keeping track of the latest developments on the financial markets has never been easier. You can monitor the trends on the markets and then interpret them, and see whether they portend any momentous changes that may have a direct impact on your investment. Regardless of where you or your investments are based, the web will let you monitor the markets from the comfort of your home or office.

Overseas investment and offshore investment bonds and funds 

As in all things, when comparing offshore overseas investments, advice should be sought from experts.

Choosing the best offshore overseas investment can be difficult, so careful consideration is crucial. Your questions on the best offshore overseas investment will be answered by our industry experts, free of charge. 

To help you through the multitude of choices, enter your details below and let the Compare The Financial Markets experts find the best offshore overseas investment for you.

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