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Alec Monopoly as an Investment

People who live in LA are accustomed to Alec Monopoly's street art – the Monopoly Man in satirical poses. Few however, know anything about the artist behind the ingenious works. In fact, the truth is that except one or two interviewers, nobody really knows much about Alec Monopoly – as other street artists in vogue, he keeps his identity secret.

As it usually happens with street art, there are conflicting views when it comes to Alec Monopoly's art. For many, his works are original and witty, for others, they represent just vandalism. Others still don't even call it art. Nevertheless, it's interesting to note that unlike other street art, Alec Monopoly's is attracting a lot of interest, and it does it fast. 

Monopoly's art can be found on lamp posts, building tops, walls which by some unexplained chance have yet to be adorned by other street artists, and even traffic light boxes. If you happen to pass through LA and you keep an eye on these locations you'll going to spot the iconic Monopoly mascot, with his precise watch and top hat. But there's more to it. The iconic figure also has a few suggestive “additions” about him; or he perhaps looks unwell and is in dire need of healthcare services. All of Monopoly's depictions of the iconic mascot convey a powerful message: they poke fun at or even taunt America's current social and especially economic situation.

The artist himself remains elusive, and perhaps is better this way for after all, street art borders on vandalism. Still, it's a fact that Alec Monopoly is American and more exactly a New Yorker, that besides street art he does painting also, and that recently he has expanded his area of activity to New York and London.

Despite the fact that Alec Monopoly hasn't been around for long in the street art scene, he is regarded by many as one of the most intriguing figures, one whose progress is definitely worth tracking.

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