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Risk warnings and important information
None of the content above should be considered to constitute investment advice. Individuals’ objectives and circumstances vary and as such appropriate investments for one may not be appropriate investments for all.
Past Performance is a poor indicator and certainly no guarantee of future performance.
Investments can fall as well as rise, and may fall considerably.
The value of investments is not guaranteed and you may not receive back the full amount invested.
The tax treatment of investments such as these, including the initial tax relief available, are dependent on the investment vehicle successfully maintaining qualifying status throughout its life.
Many tax advantaged investments are high risk investments and we strongly recommend investors do not consider investing on the basis of this information alone or investing without obtaining financial advice from an appropriate source.
Investments in small companies are speculative and the promise of higher potential returns comes with a commensurately higher risk of capital losses.
*Definition of a failed investment is the loss of 50% or more of the original investment.
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Compare the Markets to Find the One That Works for You

Compare the Markets to Find the One That Works for You

To achieve any real success in investing, it’s important to compare the markets to find the best options for your particular needs and investment pattern. As any regular investor knows, there are several financial markets to choose from, each with their particular benefits and disadvantages. If you’re new to the markets, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the options available to you.

More than one market

When you begin to compare the markets, you’ll find that there’s more than the common stock market, which is the one with which most beginning investors are probably most familiar. The common stock market allows you to purchase shares in a company, basically giving you part-ownership (although your “voice” in the company may be limited to the occasional shareholder vote). If the company grows and increases its earning, the value of your stock in the company rises. If the company does not do well, the value of your stock falls. Achieving success in the common stock market involves knowing when to buy the stock, when to hold onto the stock and when to sell.


Bonds are certificates issued by a company or the government that you can purchase and are essentially a loan from you to the entity. They earn interest for each year that you own the bond and are paid back at the end of the agreed upon period of time. Bonds are bought and sold on the stock market and can rise and fall in value, but the interest rate will remain the same. In addition to corporate and government bonds (also known as gilts), there are also bond funds, which are a collection of bonds from various sources.

Preferred stock

Preferred stock is a type of investment that is a combination of a bond and a stock. This is a top-level stock that allows the holder to receive the profits of a company before they are distributed to the holders of the company’s common stock. While holders of preferred stocks can access the company’s assets should the firm declare bankruptcy, the company can also buy the stock back and cease issuing dividends.


Finally, cash itself can also be an investment option in the form of money market accounts, mutual funds, certificates of deposit and interest-earning accounts. These types of investments pose smaller risks than stocks or bonds and can grow consistently over a long period of time. They are good for the cautious investor.

Explore these options and more when you compare the markets and select the right investment opportunity for your financial needs.

Best investments 

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  • How long do you want to invest for?
  • When do you require a return on investment?

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