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Risk warnings and important information
None of the content above should be considered to constitute investment advice. Individuals’ objectives and circumstances vary and as such appropriate investments for one may not be appropriate investments for all.
Past Performance is a poor indicator and certainly no guarantee of future performance.
Investments can fall as well as rise, and may fall considerably.
The value of investments is not guaranteed and you may not receive back the full amount invested.
The tax treatment of investments such as these, including the initial tax relief available, are dependent on the investment vehicle successfully maintaining qualifying status throughout its life.
Many tax advantaged investments are high risk investments and we strongly recommend investors do not consider investing on the basis of this information alone or investing without obtaining financial advice from an appropriate source.
Investments in small companies are speculative and the promise of higher potential returns comes with a commensurately higher risk of capital losses.
*Definition of a failed investment is the loss of 50% or more of the original investment.
All statements concerning the tax treatment of products and their benefits are based on our understanding of current tax law and HM Revenue and Customs’ practice. Levels and bases of tax relief are subject to change.

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Considerations to Make Prior to Your Investment In Land

Before making a land investment, you must first see the possible uses for it. By being able to assess the different options on how to use it, you will be able to plan ahead on reaching the full potential of your investment. With land, there are many beneficial factors but there are also possible risks that have to be taken into account as well.

The size of the land you are making an alternative investment in can be a huge factor. If it is big enough to hold an industrial site you may be able to sell or rent it to a company. However, if you plan on keeping the land for a long period of time, you must consider if it will be put to use in a different fashion in the future. If it’s going to be an area susceptible to contaminants, you may have to clean it up before you use the land for something else.

If you’re investment into land is going to be used as a housing project, prior use and possible contaminants will have to be considered again. Another problem that has happened to people that have invested in land for housing is that they’ve built on top of old mines or other in-ground features. Initially, the buildings would hold up but over time some have sunk into the ground causing structure damage and even injury or death. On top of the tragedy of someone getting seriously hurt, this can also lead to lawsuits to the landowners. Situations like this can be avoided by doing detailed research into your alternative investment before you make it.


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