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Fenton Bailey Art

It can be difficult to know where to begin in a city as diverse as London, but when it comes to up-and-coming contemporary artists, Marylebone is the place to be. Fenton Bailey has become a hot topic this month with his debut exhibition opening at Imitate Modern. Son of David Bailey, along with his younger brother Sascha as curator of the show, Fenton is proudly emerging from the circle of family talent and giving us reason to become as obsessed with him, as the world was with his father some decades ago. Fenton’s photography is direct and intense, and mirrors his ambition – both professional and personal. He has been working for his father as his first assistant for a number of years and continues to do so; in the world of portrait photography, there can be no better education than the school of life.

The opening night of ‘Human Relations’ at Imitate Modern was a stylish affair with a fantastic turn out. Models dressed in lingerie brought the photography to life as guests enjoyed an evening of glitz and glamour in the seductive setting. David Bailey gave his stamp of approval in attendance, accompanied by his wife Catherine. Other guests included Jilly Johnson and Ashley Brodin, with 90210’s Jessica Lowdnes and Made in Chelsea’s Kimberley Garner catching onto the hype and showing their support.

After an impressive launch night, it’s no surprise the work is well sought after and with a name as big as Bailey, the demand will only increase. Following in his father’s footsteps, Fenton Bailey is proving to be just as exciting for art enthusiasts and collectors alike, especially with fellow artists such as Damien Hirst taking a great interest in his pieces. This being his debut exhibition, with the artwork so reasonably priced, makes for an unmissable investment opportunity.

All Fenton Bailey prints on show at Imitate Modern are for sale, notably in small editions of three which make them all the more desirable for investment value. Fenton is already in hot pursuit of his next project and with the pace set, we can anticipate more exciting work from him in the years to come.

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