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Why Government Investment in Solar Energy is Needed

Why Government Investments in Solar Energy are Needed.

As citizens, we rely on our governments to protect our interests, provide for our needs and to lead us into the future. We choose our governments (in democratic societies) based on what they can do for us. They are there to serve the people.

Health. Education. Transport. These are all important and viable issues that need to be dealt with in such a way that the majority of people would benefit from it. But what of renewable energy? Government investments in solar energy are sorely needed as we are moving into an era where traditional power sources will no longer be sustainable.

The biggest players at the moment (country wise) are the governments of China and the United States of America, with various investments in solar farms and roll-out programs. On the United Kingdom front, a few pokes have been made at investing in renewable energy: incentive programs have been put into place that reward you for using solar power (Renewables Obligation Certificates) and individuals can even earn an extra income from their solar power usage by selling excess units to the main grid for a profit.

But more is needed. The cost of solar panels (and their installation) has dropped significantly and they are more affordable than ever to the everyday consumer. Technological advances have also dropped the cost of maintaining solar farms, which means that investors now get higher, and quicker returns on their investments than previous years.

The Green Movement has had a ripple-effect throughout the world, with countries working together to find solutions to our increasing power problem. No country can afford to stand alone in this, just as their residents will not be able to afford the increasing rates of traditional electricity if government investments in solar energy are not taken seriously. 

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