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Investment Property

Investment Property Deals with Compare The Financial Markets Experts 

The last 12 months has seen an increase in the number of investors looking to move their capital into the property market. In difficult economic times, intelligent property investment decisions can depend on accurate insights into the market.

The professional team at Compare The Financial Markets draw on their knowledge and expertise, but also on the experience and market intelligence of their colleagues and associates across the world.

Our dedicated specialists conduct business on behalf of clients, both nationally and internationally.

Location, location, location

Choosing the location of your next investment property is crucial, especially in today’s climate. Many EU countries, for example, are out of recession, and their property market is recovering. Even so, it is easy to make the wrong choice.

How to Invest? 

It is important to determine the best way to invest before sourcing a prime location. Lone investment is usually the most profitable method, but it is also risky, especially if you are not an ‘expert’.

Investing alongside other like-minded investors – becoming part of an investment fund – is much safer, but not without its disadvantages. For example, you make a smaller profit. Ensure you compare the financial markets before making a decision.

Average property price

Over the last year average property prices have risen by £4,617, roughly in line with CPI inflation at 2.2%, and therefore out-performing other investments, including instant access savings accounts and the FTSE 100. Interest rates remained at rock bottom meaning savings accounts have not been performing well – the average instant access account now offers returns of just 1.04%.

How can Compare The Financial Markets help you?

Unsure which property investment to make, or how to invest? Talk to the experts at Compare The Financial Markets. 

Apply for a free property investment consultation with one of our money saving – or Property investment experts, fill in the form below to find the right property investment for you. 

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