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Why Investments in Solar Energy Are On the Rise

Why Investments in Solar Energy Are On the Rise

Solar Energy. Sustainability. The Green Movement. Meat-Free Mondays. Everyone is doing their bit to help the environment and it is now considered fashionable (even important) to recycle and not print that email. Using gas instead of electricity shows the world that you are a good, responsible member of society and some countries have even put laws into place to make their citizens more aware of the environment.

Companies have been quick to jump on the Green Movement as a way to boost their image and to show that they help where it matters most. This initial rise in investments in solar energy was easily explained and no-one seemed to give it a another thought; a secondary venture for many.

But now, investments in solar energy are still rising. Steadily. And with fervour. It has become clear that sustainable ways of providing power is big business. Take the news-worthy negotiations between Baker & McKenzie and the Sumitomo Corporation regarding the building of three mega-solar plants in Japan: it is predicted that the region will become one of the biggest solar energy markets in the world by the end of this very year.

It's a big leap forward for the environment, and it creates some healthy competition against the oil and gas markets. In addition to this, research shows that solar energy also has the highest return on investment of any of the renewable energy markets (due to lower costs because of scientific and technological breakthroughs).

Some investors view the movement to be the next logical step. At some point in the future, humanity will have to rely on renewable energy as a source for power - this is not negotiable. And, like the arrival of the personal computer, solar energy is revolutionising the way in which we operate in our homes.

Investments in solar energy are no longer secondary ventures that are used by companies to improve their image. This market is not just having its moment in the sun; it's here to stay.

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