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Liverpool Properties Are Attracting Chinese Investors

Liverpool Properties Are Attracting Chinese Investments

London is not the only big city in Britain that attracts massive Chinese investments in 2016. Liverpool, located in the Northwest of England, has proved to be, over the last year or so, a magnet for Chinese investors willing to invest their money in UK property, and especially in profitable student accommodation projects.

Why student accommodations?

Chinese investments are focused on Liverpool student accommodations because the entry price for these investments is relatively low, while the returns are substantial, many new projects boasting returns that exceed 10%.

Chinese investments in student accommodation projects are driven by the influx of Chinese students into the UK. The number of Chinese students who come to study in the UK is increasing every year, as the newly emerging Chinese middle-class choose to send their children to study abroad in the UK, which boasts some of the world’s most prestigious universities. Liverpool itself has several top universities.

It is predicted that over the next 15 years about 220,000 Chinese students will come to study in the UK, and many of them will go to Liverpool. That’s a promising figure for investors.

The UK government encourages Chinese investments into Liverpool

As the British finance minister George Osborne recently has made clear, the UK government is committed to encourage Asian investments in Liverpool. The finance minister himself noted that currently the city of the Beatles offers some remarkable investment opportunities for Chinese investors.

This commitment is likely to further drive Chinese investments into student accommodation projects this year. Investors who make smart investments now will gain substantially in the years to come. What’s more, they will also encourage Chinese students to come and study abroad at some of the world’s best universities, and help them find affordable accommodations they can use for the duration of their studies.

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