London Seminars Compare The Financial Markets
If you are attending a Compare The Financial Markets seminar, ask yourself two questions:
· What should you do during the seminar?
· What can you do afterwards to get the most out of the time you have invested?
What will I learn?
Our seminars are hosted by industry professionals who have in-depth knowledge and a passion for their subject. We choose speakers who have unrivalled expertise and know-how.
As well as taking a notepad/laptop/iPad, make sure you keep an open mind. To maximise your attendance take lots of notes. Divide a sheet of notepaper with a line down the middle. On the right side jot notes relating to the seminar and on the left write down ideas that come to you while listening the presentation. Think about how the topic and information presented relates to what you plan to invest in.
After the seminar
Seminars are the ideal place to get insider information on the investment industry and pick up essential tips that could lead to a lifetime’s financial stability. As a rule, speakers generally mingle with the guests after a presentation so use the opportunity to soak up decades’ worth of experience that will assist your investment decisions. Read the hand-outs and re-read your notes at least once after the seminar and don’t forget to fill out the evaluation form.
Compare The Financial Markets
Places at our London seminar – which are completely free – are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. If you are thinking of investing, considering a franchise, or have an interest in international investment opportunities, book your place