Renewable Energy Investments
As the call for clean renewable energy continues to grow louder, there is a tremendous need for companies to find new ways to produce energy without causing additional harm to the environment. Solar energy, wind energy and even hydro-electric plants are finding new ways to harvest natural elements into electricity that can be used without causing additional environmental harm.
Unfortunately, unlike energy producers before them there is little government financial support and most of these companies are mostly on their own in finding the funds they need to move their plans from the drawing board to the fields in which they will flourish. While coal continues to be one of the least expensive resources for generating electricity, it also has a direct effect on the carbon emissions contributing to greenhouse gases.
Although hydro-electric plants have been in use for many years, as have solar and wind operations, their growth has been slowed due to the lack of critical need for alternative power supplies. These power sources have been slow to advance as most investors failed to see any future growth in advancing technology. However, the global warming scare and the higher cost of coal-generated electricity have reinvigorated these industries to find cheaper ways to produce the power.
It is no big secret that there is only so much oil in the world and many believe the time to find alternatives is now, as opposed to waiting until the supply reaches a critical stage. There is also plenty of criticism of relying on oil, coal and even natural gas, as a means of stifling the growth of alternative energy sources. With this in mind, investors are beginning to see there is a future in many of these industries and are beginning to see promise of a return on their Alternative investments in renewable energy research and development.
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