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Rich Simmons Art for Sale

Rich Simmons Art for Sale

Behind the Scenes

Simply by watching a video of Rich Simmons’ working methods, it is easy to understand the incredible talent and artistic vision this young man possesses. Incorporating such as recycled hoarding advertisements into his work, Simmons builds layers of spray paint through a series of painstakingly crafted, hand-cut stencils to create the final image. It all looks so simple in a carefully edited video clip, but what is not seen is the countless hours of preparation and mental visualisation of how the layers will fit together. It is an extraordinary process with devastating results.

Art as Therapy

Rich Simmons started to create art as a therapy for, and means of escape from, various challenges in his life. In turn he founded the Art Is The Cure foundation with, in his own words, “the goal of promoting creative therapy and finding new ways to inspire people to find a cure through art.” While being a uniquely gifted and natural artist rapidly developing his own Contemporary Urban Pop Art style, Simmons is also a true humanist who is using his gift for the greater good. “My passion is helping and inspiring people,” he says. “The fact that I get to make art to fund that journey is an added bonus, so I get the best of both worlds.”

The Domino Effect

Investing in the art of Rich Simmons is much more than buying a great work of art. In doing so, Simmons can continue to build Art Is The Cure, helping to inspire people struggling to cope with such as autism, depression, self-harm issues and social anxiety to discover their inner artist, just as Simmons did. “That’s my ethos…if I can use my artwork to inspire people to make art, then you get more artists!” he says. It is easy to see how positive the domino effect of this will be, so investing in the art of Rich Simmons can have a considerable societal impact, thereby also offering the investor the best of both worlds.

For further information on how to invest in the artwork of Rich Simmons fill in the simple form below. 

Contemporary/Modern Art

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