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Rich Simmons - Making History Make Money

Rich Simmons - Making History Make Money

Why does art gain value as it ages? Why does art documenting moments and stages in history gain even more value? Rich Simmons is changing the way history is made; in fact, he is making and changing history as it happens with his new Contemporary Urban Pop Art (CUPA). This new form of art which he is developing at the Imitate Gallery London, draws on current attractions and props from the streets of London to create works of art. As a result, a finely tuned creation of an event or happening is re-depicted and showcased through the eyes of Rich Simmons. Pieces selling for £800 last year are going for over £1.200 this year, so you can see how the price of history changes and also why you should buy Rich Simmons art.

His art is amazing and is sweeping across the nation as his name gains momentum; which is another reason to buy Rich Simmons art before it starts getting greater recognition. Founder of Art is the Cure, artists across the world are preaching his name and making him more famous, and as his name spreads so does the demand for his art. An artistic pioneer, he is viewed as a leader in art movements and style, and his works are skyrocketing as everyone wants a piece done by the Movement's founder.

There is still time to buy Rich Simmons art before it becomes unaffordable due to the supply and demand curve which is sure to drive his pieces upward. With two exhibits over the last two years, and more on the way, Rich Simmons is breaking new ground on his own, without the help of the thousands of followers he has under his wings. His momentum is sure to continue onward and upward as the multifaceted artist continues to get support from multiple ventures, increasing his recognition worldwide, and improving the value of his highly prestigious art. 

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