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Rich Simmons as an Investment

Rich Simmons as an Investment 

Tapping into the Zeitgeist

In any sphere of human creative endeavour, certain individual works become so iconic or subconsciously ingrained that, for layman and connoisseur alike, it is usually that work which springs to mind upon mention of the artist. It could represent a pivotal moment in the history of the form, or a turning point for the artist - especially if garnering widespread attention or acclaim for the first time. For the brilliant young British pop artist Rich Simmons, Future ***King is undoubtedly the piece that all but made him a household name in the UK. Tapping into the Zeitgeist and displaying an irreverent sense of humour, Simmons echoed the work of 70s punk rock artist Jamie Reid with his 2011 depiction of the then-engaged ‘Will and Kate’ as the late Sid Vicious and Nancy Spungen. From cutting the first of many stencils, the multi-layered piece took Simmons (and accomplices at the graffiti stage) a total of 55 hours to complete. Created at a skate park on London’s Southbank, the elaborate mural became a sensation, news of the work spreading rapidly around the world.

Contemporary Urban Pop Art

By combining street art, pop art, comic book tradition and creative recycling via multi-media collage to make his painstakingly crafted artworks, and as the founder of the Art Is The Cure foundation in 2008, Rich Simmons has become one of the most innovative and vital young artists working today. “I spend thousands of hours drawing, cutting and painting,” explains Simmons, whose Contemporary Urban Pop Art style is evolving with each new collection. A resident artist at the Imitate Modern Gallery in Marylebone, London, Simmons’ pieces are appreciating in value at an amazing rate. Now is the time to invest.

An Expert Opinion: Invest Now

Between his solo shows Just Be You Tiful in 2012 and Inner Outsider at the Imitate Modern Gallery less than a year later, small (24” x 24”) Simmons pieces had increased in value by 50 percent. Jean-David Malat, Director of London’s Opera Gallery, where Simmons’ work featured in four group shows in 2011 and 2012, says: “Art professionals are following Rich Simmons’ work closely. It is a strong possibility that buying his work now could turn out to be a great investment.” When the experts believe it, investors will understand why here at Compare The Financial Markets we also believe it.

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Contemporary/Modern Art

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