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The Best Investment Opportunity

Space Travel, Exploration and Industrialisation: The Best Investment Opportunity That Is Out of This World

If you are looking for one of the best investment opportunities, consider investing in a future of space tourism, off-world mining and other futuristic endeavours. Now that space travel is no longer a NASA- or government-dominated industry, private companies are appearing that offer affluent citizens the chance to travel into space. While there are only a few space travel and mining companies that are publicly traded and thus typical vehicles for investments, there are many more companies in which a person can actively invest. In addition, the field is wide open for new technologies and new ideas. There is no better time to actively invest in your own small business in which an engineer with an idea or two can make a great deal of money by patenting and licensing their space travel ideas to larger concerns.

As a best investment opportunity , space travel allows us to not just imagine what we will become in the future; it allows us to participate actively in the process of shaping the future. Within the field of space exploration itself, one of the best investment opportunities will be satellite telecommunications. This opportunity includes not only telephone, television and internet, but also includes things like GPS applications, remote sensing, tracking and satellite radio.

Space industrialisation and commercialisation are currently the most lucrative activities in which to invest. Almost 75% of all space activity is commercial and industrial. Furthermore, as companies seek to update their technologies and include more of the human population in the internet-enabled and mobile phone-carrying culture, they look forward to bigger and bigger profits. The research, manufacture and sale of parts for these satellites will also explode in the near future, giving the space investor an earthly base of operations. The trick is to invest in companies that are small now, but look promising in the future. Research and choose small players who look like they will bring in large returns based on their vision and administrative structure.

Space-related investments in publicly held companies are currently limited and difficult to achieve unless one has a great deal of funds. However, funding smaller, non-public companies may be much more lucrative in the short run and easier to invest in their ideas. Not only is space-related investment exciting, but it is also very important. As government funding and public support for space-related activities wanes, more private investors are needed in order to maintain the satellite infrastructure, potentially mine asteroids and planets for precious elements, explore space in manned missions, and foster space tourism.

Although we label this as one of the best investment opportunities, we do so not because you will gain a great deal financially. This is, after all, a high risk venture. We do so because it is important to all of us for the few who are willing to take that financial risk to do just that. If it is successful, the ambitious investor stands to profit greatly. 

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