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5 Tips for Investing in Wine

5 Tips for Investing in Wine  - Ask the Experts at Compare The Financial Markets

This is a good year for investing in wine, as the market is expected to recover, and the production so far has been good - there are plenty of high-quality bottles out there waiting to be bought. Do your research and consider requesting expert advice.

Buy Only the Best

Top wine is always in demand, and it's the one that brings investors the biggest returns, and the best reputation. The challenge is to find it the moment it's available for sale and buy it quick - usually it's available only in a limited quantity.

Invest in Storage

Wine that is not stored in a safe environment whose temperature is controlled does not fulfil its potential. Keeping it at home is usually a bad idea, first because the storage conditions are not ideal, and second because there's always the temptation to pour a glass.

Focus on the Label

The truth is that in the world of wine investment the label sometimes matters more than the quality, when the wines considered are in the same class. For example, if you compare a Bordeaux with a lesser known Spanish wine, and the latter happened to have a better harvest last year and is slightly superior in quality, it's the Bordeaux that represents the better investment, since people know it all over the world.

Don't Invest Only in Wine

Wine is a great alternative investment for most UK investors. However, because of the sophistication of the market and its high requirements in terms of cost, it's not necessarily one of the most accessible assets out there, especially for new investors. You can make investing in wine a priority, but only after you have put together a varied investment portfolio.

Choose an Investment Fund if You're a Beginner

Investing in wine this year through a fund is not only cheaper, but also entails fewer risks. The important thing is to find a well-established fund managed by wine experts that offers an easy entrance and an easy exit. Compare the Financial Markets can help you find the right fund for you.

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