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Top tips for investing in art

Investing in art  and can be both exciting and potentially financially rewarding – here are some guidelines to help reduce some of the risks involved and maximise your chances of purchasing a piece of art which will raise in value and bring great pleasure to your life.

Chances are that you’ll be living with this piece of art, be it sculpture or painting, photograph or sketch for a while before you decide to sell on, so it’s sensible to buy into a style or a feeling you like.

Do your research first and then go deeper. You may have a natural affinity with Warhol, or perhaps some of the modern British artists like Stanley Spencer or Henry Moore or you might follow and support an emerging or mid-career artist.

Whatever path you choose, talk to as many people as possible before your purchase - gallery owners, dealers, artists and other collectors. Then you’ll have enough informed information to make your choice of investment.

1. Investing in big names

The ‘big guns’, Warhol, Picasso, Moore, Hirst etc all have resale values, which fluctuate just as much as stocks or shares. Look on auction websites such as Christies, Sotheby’s and Bonham’s to find records of past and upcoming sales.

Here you can gather information to assess when it might be the right time to buy or move on works. This is a specialist area so do seek professional advice and do your research thoroughly before investing.

2. Investing in emerging artists

Emerging, or new artists just out of art school are an exciting prospect for the collector. Obviously, prices will be low compared to A-list or mid career artists. If you’re buying straight out of the degree shows, all you have at your disposal are your eyes and personal taste/hunches. Look for work that is unique in execution and concept and, very importantly in this category, be sure look for work that you like and can live with.

Our Experts at Compare The Financial Markets deal with many artists and galleries directly and can find the best possible price on the art you want. Just fill in the ask the Experts tab or Enquire now. 

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