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Wine Investments

While investments in wine may seem like one of the best-kept secrets in many portfolios, those that have been putting money in wines are finding great returns all around the globe. Many countries, long known for their wine products, are beginning a love affair with wines from other countries, and investors on the forefront of the country’s wine industry expansion will see returns better than the global average of 15% per year.

The tropical climate and humid conditions found in some countries provides an extended growing season for grapes.

With a current 217,452 acres, or 88 hectares, established for vineyards, the anticipated wine sales growth on the global market is expected to add to the need for an increased amount of land dedicated to the industry. Vineyards in some countries are nearly at their peak production levels, and in order to increase wine production and sales, more land will be required. Investing in the land, if not in the vineyards, is sure to provide better returns on investments than most stock market funds.

One of the advantages of the wine market is that when the price goes down, it can be kept until the price goes back up. This can not be done with the products in many investment categories. Unfortunately, many investors only see wines as something to celebrate with when their portfolio performs better than expected, instead of as a real commodity that can earn a better return, even than the one they are celebrating.

Choosing the best wine investment can be difficult, so careful consideration is crucial. Your questions on the best wine investments will be answered by our industry experts, free of charge. 

Best Wine Investments   

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To help you through the multitude of choices, enter your details below and let the Compare The Financial Markets experts find the best wine investment for you. 

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