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Past Performance is a poor indicator and certainly no guarantee of future performance.
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Investments in small companies are speculative and the promise of higher potential returns comes with a commensurately higher risk of capital losses.
*Definition of a failed investment is the loss of 50% or more of the original investment.
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Citygate Housing Awarded the Prestigious CTFM Award for the Best Alternative Investment 2024

Citygate Housing is honoured with the prestigious Compare the Financial Markets (CTFM) Award for the Best Alternative Investment 2024. This accolade highlights Citygate's strategic impact on the real estate investment landscape, particularly in social housing and supported living solutions, and reaffirms its reputation for outstanding business innovation.

Victoria West, Head of Strategy and Human Resources at Citygate, commented on the achievement: "We are deeply honoured by this recognition, which reflects our commitment to delivering robust investment returns alongside significant social benefits."

Citygate Housing's approach is characterised by the effective integration of government-backed securities, ensuring that investors not only enjoy stable returns but also recognise the tangible impact of their contributions to community welfare. Their proactive efforts in developing social and assisted living properties have been essential in addressing the national housing shortfall, supported by strong partnerships with government bodies and housing associations.

Amari Lewis-Simpson, Head of Investor Relations, added, "This award acknowledges our dual commitment to financial excellence and community support, which propels our vision of impactful investment."

Citygate Housing continues to lead in the property investment sector, pioneering strategies that balance investor returns with community development.

For more information about Citygate Housing and their pioneering investment strategies, visit Citygate Housing.


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